Brickyards Change of Use

Do you want delivery trucks?

There has been a planning application submitted for a change of use in the Brickyards to B8 category. This specifically INCLUDES storage and distribution.

We understand EHDC have suggested the owners apply for change of use because they do not have the resource to enforce the current Brickyards category.

Change of use means more delivery trucks, vans, HGVs, the list goes on….



In August this year SMRA (the Steepmarsh Residents Association) funded a traffic survey. This survey compared the traffic in August 2021 to a survey in March 2012.

The result  –  43% traffic increase.

What impact does this have:

  1. Lifestyle
  2. Property values (recent discussion with estate agent)
  3. Precedent for other permissions (There are discussions about adding 14 more industrial units)

(email [email protected] to receive a copy of the survey)



So, what do we want?

  1. You to register https://www. so we can send out objection points from the planning consultant
  2. Support the employment of a planning consultant by helping us fund them –



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